Sunday, May 22, 2011

Night-Blooming Orchid

FOTD & Gig Dry Run: May 21, 2011

Well thank goodness we're all still around to enjoy each other's company and to revel in the beauty we find in the world around us!  As my halau hula is performing at an API (that's Asian-Pacific Islander) cultural event tomorrow, I decided a "dry run" to pick out the shades I want to wear would be a good idea, helping me save me time getting myself ready on the day.  The costume I'm wearing is a Hawaiian print dress with a plum purple background and pale purple, dark green and brick red and white in the print.

Here's what I pulled out for the "dry run"

Meerkat + Catrina Cabaret = LOVE <3

Brazen Lolita

FOTD: May 20, 2011

Today is one of the Fridays that I don't work late, so I had some "extra" (ha!) time this evening to play with some of my recent hauls from both Brazen Cosmetics and Mineral Maven--both indie makeup companies come highly recommended by several acquaintances of mine in the FB/blogosphere, so I decided to try a few products from each company.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Victorian Oops! (pic heavy)

FOTD: May 11, 2011

So this week I received my prize from the completely lovely Amanda of Glitters and Bubbles' Aromaleigh "Oops" Giveaway!  I was so very excited to have been lucky enough to win this incredible stash of unique shades--and so very bummed that on the day I plucked them up from my mailbox my eyes were on fire from the nasty-kine hay fever most everyone suffers from around here >.<

Still, the package was a definite lift to my spirits, as Amanda clearly had put a bit of TLC into presenting it:

Completely adorable!  Mahalo, Amanda S.!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tagged from A to Z (aka the ABCs)

Hahaha!  Erin, the tricksy girl, went and tagged a whole lot of us to fill out this "fun quizzy thing" (can I say I adore that description?  Too freakin' cute...).  Alright my friend, since you asked:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog Awards: Lucky 21 ;)

Blessed heavens, I'm so far behind!!  My kumu would say I'm ho'okano, or discourteous, for taking so long to answer back to my friends Amanda S. (congrats on tying the knot, hun!!) and mNg, who so kindly tagged me three times!

Mahalo, Amanda!

Thanks to both Amanda & mNg for this one!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Giveaway: Linnaeus Cosmetics at Makeup Mama!

Alright, lovely readers, the super-nice Michelle at Makeup Mama has generously extended the deadline to enter her fabulous Linnaeus Cosmetics giveaway!  The prize is the stunning Lovely Cotinga collection:

Image copyright Linnaeus Cosmetics

Participants have less than 12 hours left to enter the giveaway, which will close at 11:59 AM tomorrow, Saturday May 14!  What are you waiting for?  Go enter here!

Good luck to us all ;)



Finally, Fyrinnae

After months of reading glorious posts by several of my fellow bloggers out in makeupland about the awesomeness that is Fyrinnae, I finally got the chance to check out this "holy grail" of indie makeup companies and see what the hubbub is all about...

First thing I loved:  the website backdrop is a sea of multicolored sparkles (actually this looks like one of those deep space photos where millions of galaxies and nebulae and star clusters look like spilled glitter)!  Turns out this image is almost foreshadowing, but we'll get to that later.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Antionette's Revolution Cosmetics & LOTD

A few days ago, I was having one of those "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" days.  Really it was that bad: absolute junk at work (weeping on the job?  not one of my fav things to do) and then when I got home--a gift waiting for me from one of my dogs, one that just kept on giving...and giving...and giving  all night long.  Poor puppeh was sick all night from the candy he'd broken a bowl to get into.  

That's about as nasty as it gets without the occurrence of some heaven-forbidden tragedy.  Within three hours of getting home from the work day from hell I had crawled into bed, curled up, and was praying for the day to be over.  I ended up staying with our other dog at home while the hubby took our boy to the vet.  I was so upset I couldn't even eat!  Boo.

The following morning, I checked email including a tracking message for a package I was expecting and what did I find?  "Package delivered..." the previous night!  I was so caught up in the DOTD (drama of the day lol!) that I hadn't even checked the mail.  Wanna see what I practically ran to retrieve from my mailbox?